Project Creation

    If unsure of any values here, enter anything as a placeholder, and once the project is completely defined, return here and update with correct values.

Field Name Constraint Description
Linked Customer ID Read Only The customer to whom the project belongs to
Project Name Alphanumeric, lower case, underscore The name of the project
Project Description Alphabetic, space The long description of the project
Login Expiry Flag Radio list If user sessions should be expired
Permit Self Registration Radio list If you would like users to register themselves, this option will provide the Self Registration Servlet
Landing Page Mode Radio list Choose the default display mode for all forms - the form search screen, or the form new entry screen
App DB Host alphanumeric The hostname where the mySQL server is hosted for the application database. If the mySQL server is the same as the Tomcat server, you can enter "localhost" here.
App DB Name alphanumeric The name of the database for the generated application. It is suggested to give it the same name as "Project Name".
App DB Type Constrained drop list Currently only mySQL is supported
App DB Port numeric The port number for the mySQL server hosting the application database, default is 3306
App DB User alphabetic This database user will be created and granted all privileges to the App DB Name. Reccommendation : use App DB Name.
App DB Password alphabetic The App DB User pasword
Security DB Host alphanumeric The hostname where the mySQL server is hosted for the security database. If the mySQL server is the same as the Tomcat server, you can enter "localhost" here.
Security DB Name alphanumeric The name of the security database, has to be "jgsec"
Security DB Type Constrained drop list Currently only mySQL is supported
Security DB Port numeric The port number for the mySQL server hosting the security database, default is 3306
Security DB User alphabetic This must be "jgsec"
Security DB Password alphabetic The Security DB User pasword